When to toss out beauty products

When to toss out beauty products

Everyone has been there when then think twice about tossing out an old half-used beauty product. Using beauty products that are past their use-by date will not do your skin any favors. Here is what you need to know about when to keep them or throw them out.

Expired products – Beauty products that are old can have a number of contaminates that can cause allergies and irritations. According to a study in 2013 by the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, who evaluated a large number of women and their makeup. The study found that 70% of women in the study used some type of expired product of which 67% were contaminated.

All beauty products expire but finding the used by date can be tricky – If you can’t find your expiration date on your beauty products you should look for the PAO symbol (Period After Opening). This will often state 12M, which means that you should use this product within 12 months of opening it. Sometimes this information is on the box, so once you toss the box, you may not know when to throw away your product. The best way to note down the date is to write down the expiration date on the bottle/tube with a permanent marker.

How to spot a beauty product gone bad – A product that has changed color, texture or has developed a strange odor, should be tossed out immediately.